Annual Meting and Board Openings

The Umatilla County Historical Society annual membership meeting will be held on April 8th, 2025, at 5:30 pm in the Julie Reese classroom.

There are openings on the UCHS board, if you are interested in joining the board please fill out the application below and submit to the museum either in person or via email by April 4th to ensure your name appears on the ballot.


Board of Directors application

Traveling Exhibit from OHS March 8-May 31

This poignant exhibit examines the prejudice that Japanese American veterans from Hood River, Oregon experienced upon their return home from serving our country in World War II. These American citizens served heroically with the United States Armed Forces in the South Pacific and in Europe, yet many of their families were unjustly incarcerated in concentration camps on American soil.


Artisan Market at Heritage Lights- Applications Open

Are you a local Artisan who wants to have a table at the 2024 Heritage Lights?


Each December Heritage Station Museum stays open late so that the community can enjoy our lighted walk thru. Our Artisan market is located indoors for visitors to shop and enjoy. On Select evenings Santa and The Grinch are available for photos, both will be here after the parade on December 14th.

Tables are $25 per night, applications can be submitted to

2024 Winter Market application

UCHS Announces New Executive Director



Umatilla County Historical Society Hires New Executive Director


PENDLETON, OR August 1, 2024 – Umatilla County Historical Society, celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2024, has recently hired a new Executive Director.

The Umatilla County Historical Society and Heritage Station Museum is excited to announce Shannon Gruenhagen has been hired as the Executive Director. She steps into the role on August 1st.

Shannon has a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minor in Anthropology. Her previous role as Programming and Education Coordinator for the last 5 years has helped Shannon grow her knowledge of Umatilla County, the people, and the places that make up this wonderful and diverse area. She has a natural curiosity that drives her desire to learn more about the county she has lived in for 25 years. Shannon has invited and led many tour groups, elementary school field trips and small groups through the Heritage Station Museum and grounds, sharing the information and hoping to spark a love of history and preservation of that history in others.

The Board of Directors for Umatilla County Historical Society is looking forward to working with Shannon in the role of Executive Director. Vice President of the Board, Gail Nelson stated, “Shannon’s demonstrated commitment and loyalty to Heritage Station Museum and the Umatilla County Historical Society is greatly valued. How fortunate we are to have her dedication and enthusiasm! We are excited to work with her to continue to strengthen, grow and diversify the Historical Society and Heritage Station Museum.”

Please welcome Shannon as the new Executive Director.

Umatilla County Historical Society and Heritage Station Museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. You can find the Heritage Station Museum located at 108 SW Frazer Ave. in Pendleton, Oregon. Visit the Museum Tuesday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for schedules, activities, and events. Show your support by becoming a member of the Umatilla County Historical Society and help to continue to Tell the Story. Facilities and Grounds are available to rent to host your next event or gathering.

(541) 276-0012 Facebook: @heritagestationmuseum Instagram: @heritagestationpendleton

Summer Sale in the HSM Gift Shop

Stop into the museum gift shop and check out our summer sale! Up to 50% off and if you are a member, you get your 10% discount on top of the sale price.

Looking for a way to fill long summer days? We have science, craft, and even micro-green kits and much more, all 50% off. You are sure to find something to keep everyone busy during the heat wave.

Museum is open Tuesday – Saturday 10 am to 4 pm

Winter Closure

It’s that time of year when we wind down for the winter and give the museum some TLC. The museum’s last day open for 2023 will be December 16th. We will reopen in March (date TBD) 2024.

During the closure we do a deep clean, exhibit maintenance and installation, and we do maintenance on the buildings and equipment. It is also a time for us to plan the upcoming year and ensure that we are providing the best possible experience for our members and visitors.

If you need to reach the historical society, our staff are in the building, and we do answer phone calls and emails. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions or research requests.

Artisan Market at Heritage Lights

Applications are now available for our winter artisan market at heritage lights!

The market is open for 6 nights, choose as many or as few as you would like to participate in.

2023 dates are December 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, & 16  The lighted walk through is open from 5 pm to 7pm, vendors may set up starting at 3 pm (if you need to set up earlier please make a note on your application and we will be happy to accommodate where we can)

2023 Winter Market application


Please note that anyone claiming to be organizing our vendors on social media is not working for us. All social media communication happens via our official page profile.


Any questions can be directed to Shannon Gruenhagen or by phone 541-276-0012

Be a part of the magic at Heritage Lights!

Do you love the lights at Heritage Station? Each year the walk-through continues to grow and that means we need help installing lights. If you are interested in being a part of the team that puts the lights up, then you are in luck as we currently have a need for helpers.

Lights begin to go up in October and continue through November, we currently have Three Saturdays planned (weather permitting) to install lights. We also have projects that can be worked on during the week for those who want to be involved but have no weekend availability.

We do ask that helpers be over the age of 18 and we would love it if you could commit to helping for several years. Our goal is to create a team of people who are willing to learn the process and return each year which would allow us to add new features in future years.

Heritage Lights is a fun FREE event for our community.

Follow the link below to sign up as a helper! If you have questions, feel free to contact Shannon at 541-276-0012 or by email

Sign Up Form

HSM Programming adds Mobile Education Station

We are so grateful to the Umatilla County Cultural Coalition and Oregon Cultural Trust for funding our new mobile education station. The Pendleton Wal-Mart store has helped us stock the cart with supplies through their monthly giving program.

The Umatilla County Historical Society has been working to increase programming at Heritage Station Museum that encourages awareness of the culture and heritage in Umatilla County. Our programming aims to create hands on experiences, demonstrations by local artists/tradespersons, and an opportunity to learn through participation and interactions.

Some of the planned uses for the mobile station are listed below:

  • STEM activities that focus on wheat agriculture, weather patterns, and drone use in farming.
    • Soil and Ground water experiments
    • Growing food
    • Drone building
  • Oregon trail education such as wagon building, wagon loading (in a block/puzzle form).
  • Heritage/Pioneer crafts
    • Basket weaving
    • Wool education
    • Butter churning
    • Other weaving techniques
  • Lectern for presentations in the our classroom.


Closed for winter maintenance

The museum will be closed for winter maintenance from December 24th through the end of February. Historical Society staff will be in the office and available Monday – Friday 10am  to 4pm.