We have made a few changes to our yearly line up, Pioneer Day will now be held in June along with a spring artisan market, vendors will be located in front of the museum and a portion of the parking lot will be blocked off for overflow. Inside the museum we will have a number […]
Heritage Station Museum 108 SW Frazer Ave, Pendleton, OR, United States
The Round-Up and Happy Canyon—excellent conclusions to Pendleton’s “wild west” eras. Vic Kucera’s recent book, Rivoli, isn’t just about the evolution of theaters in Pendleton. The book also describes in detail the 40-year-long sway of the town’s two tenderloins, when saloons, brothels, and gambling reigned supreme—and the town was known as one of the most “open” cities in […]
Step back in time to the 1920’s for our Summer Fundraising Gala. The Heritage Club will throw open its doors to welcome attendees for an exciting night supporting the Umatilla County Historical Society. Funds raised at the gala will support UCHS by helping us continue collecting and preserving historical artifacts, photos, and documents from around […]
Join us for a special Terrific Tuesday on August 22nd at Heritage Station Museum. Starting at 5pm we will be showing the movie Paint Your Wagon in the Julie Reese Classroom. This fun musical was filmed in Baker and stars Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, and Jean Seaburg. Thank you to the Rivoli for partnering with […]
Heritage Station Museum 108 SW Frazer Ave, Pendleton, OR, United States
Author and artist Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield will give a PowerPoint presentation on the log cabin she built at age 18 in The Strawberry Mountain Wilderness between Prairie City and John Day, Oregon. Almost five decades later, the cabin and Yvonne have weathered the years, and both continue to stand seasoned and proud. During this time, she […]
Heritage Station Museum 108 SW Frazer Ave, Pendleton, OR, United States
Join us at Heritage Station Museum for a special Terrific Tuesday on October 10th at 6pm. The Lusty men stars Robert Mitchum and Susan Hayward. Parts of the rodeo scenes were filmed during the Pendleton Round-Up and the first northwest showing was held at the Rivoli theater in downtown Pendleton. The movie will be shown […]
Heritage Lights is a fun, FREE, family focused after hours event that lasts for six nights during the month of December. The first three weekends, on Friday and Saturday nights, the lights come on at 5pm and then the magic begins. In front of the museum enjoy the light show and music from the City […]
Heritage Station Museum 108 SW Frazer Ave, Pendleton, OR, United States
The Oregon Retired Educators Association will hold its annual Holiday Bazaar at Heritage Station Museum on Saturday, December 2nd from 10 am to 2 pm. Proceeds from the bazaar support scholarships for Pendleton classroom teachers.